Audit - Memorial University

Project team

Memorial University, Grenfell




The Project

Human Space completed an accessibility audit of the buildings and public spaces on Memorial University’s Grenfell Campus in Corner Brook, Newfoundland. The audit covered 13 buildings and the exterior campus area. Memorial was interested in auditing its campus at a level beyond Newfoundland’s minimum requirements. As a result, the campus was audited against the draft Accessible Built Environment Standard of the AODA, the Brock University Facility Accessibility Design Standards, and the National Building Code.

The campus audit included a wide range of spaces, from the typical multi-use learning and meeting spaces to more specialized areas such as dark rooms, a theatre and gallery, lithography studios, science labs, greenhouse, herbarium, and athletics facilities. The steep terrain, network of paths, and extreme winter conditions were special considerations when making recommendations for this audit.

The final report included executive summaries of exterior, interior, safety, and communication and wayfinding recommendations, as well as more detailed summaries and recommendations for each building. The report also included photographs of key findings and costing analysis sorted according to the priority level of recommended changes.