University of Wales Wayfinding

Project team


University of Wales, Newport




The Project

Situated on the banks of the River Usk, the Newport City Centre Campus for the University of Wales houses the Newport Business School and the design, film and digital media aspects of the Newport School of Art, Media and Design.

The Human Space team worked closely with the architectural team and interior designers to develop a wayfinding strategy that supported the university’s accessibility guidelines. The team considered a wide range of disabilities in order to make the sign system inclusive. Design interventions include: clearly signed accessible routes to aid mobility; clear use of internationally-recognized pictograms to aid understanding for non-Welsh speakers; and sign size, location and contrast were designed with people with low vision in mind. Many of the signs incorporate well-contrasted tactile text and symbols, benefitting both sighted and blind/partially sighted users.

The team also installed assistive listening systems in rooms and spaces used for meetings, lectures, classes and reception desks for the hard of hearing.

Project Images